How to Paint a Landscape – tips for painting Winter Trees

How to Paint a Landscape – tips for painting Winter Trees

In this painting demonstration I show you how to paint winter willow trees in a landscape inspired by the South Island of New Zealand. Painting deciduous trees can sometimes be a bit tricky because the values of the stems and branches can be lighter than when they are in full leaf, so if you don’t get the values correct they can get lost in a landscape painting.

How to Paint a Seascape in 7 Steps

How to Paint a Seascape in 7 Steps

Painting breaking waves is fun!!!! …and you can create some awesome seascapes where a breaking wave is the hero of the painting, add rocks, white water, spills, clouds and light angles and you can create some very engaging seascapes.

This seascape painting which I will show you how to paint was inspired by the coastline of Wellington, New Zealand, where the sea can be pretty rough when a southerly weather system is passing through…but at the same time provides excellent subject matter for seascape paintings.

So, lets get started….

How to Salvage a Painting that Isn’t Working!!!!

How to Salvage a Painting that Isn’t Working!!!!

Have you ever gotten deep into a painting only to look at it and think ‘oh crap, it’s not working’!!! Don’t worry, this has happened to me many many times! Even with the hours you spent planning your painting and all the sketches you did prior to starting it, sometimes when it comes to actually painting the art work you imagined, it just doesn’t work! But do not despair because you can salvage a painting that is not working!

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